Here and There | Where we are in our lives
© 2000 Tim Wilson & Gerald Martin Davenport
Tim Wilson: Lyrics (1999)
Gerald Martin Davenport: Music & Lyrical Arrangement (2000)
“After Tim Wilson retired from teaching, he came to me and asked me to look over his lyrics called Here and There. As always, I was impressed by his talents as a lyricist. Though the lyrics needed some rearranging, the ideas and images were there.
After I spent several, to be exact, two months doing other things, I finally looked at Here and There again. Well musically nothing came to me real quick, so I put it on the back burner, but I would work with it once in a while.
One evening while I was strumming the guitar, I came across a progression of chords and a melody that I was not able to forget after a week. I then fined tuned it and was ready to commit the lyrics I had, at the time, to paper; when Here and There fell onto the floor. I picked it up and read over it, somehow singing it to the melody that I had. I did a complete turn around with everything that I was planning to do. I took Tim‘s lyrics to Here and There and I rearranged them in a story form that fit well to all the musical timing, rhythm, and phrasing.
I began to record the instruments; I had a medium production planned for this one: Guitar, Piano, Drums, Bass, Stringed types, and others; when I accidentally hit a few buttons, which left the piano and the mellow pad playing with the vocal. I knew that was the way it should be.”
- gerald - July 30, 2005 - Updated: February 25, 2023